Thursday, 16 March 2017


When we knew we were moving to our new town, one of the first things I did was look up community gardens. I've always felt quite passionate about community gardens - they are an excellent way to help local communities reconnect with gardening, growing food, and each other. Living rurally meant that visiting community gardens was something that rarely happened though, so that particular passion has been on the back burner for a while.

Luckily for me, Maryborough has a lovely community garden! We joined the Lupton Park Community Garden  with a family membership, and now I pop in once a week for a couple of hours to do whatever odd jobs need doing. In return I get to share a cuppa with some new friends, learn more about gardening in this area, get my hands in the dirt, and share what I know.

I get to take home some lovely fresh organic produce too!

                                  A couple of zucchini (one the size of a small child!), some eggplant, 
                                 a mix of beans and some passionfruit, all from my first week. And 
                                                         my own name badge! Very fancy.

This weekend Lupton Park is hosting 4 short permaculture workshops run by Morag Gamble - author, teacher, blogger and general all-round sharer of awesomeness, who can be found at Our Permaculture Life. I'm extremely excited! I'll be learning more about sustainable living, food production and permaculture gardening.

The best part (second best, I'm dead keen for these workshops with Morag lol!) is that they are free for members. I wouldn't be able to go otherwise, as we have other things that are higher priority when it comes to funds. But part of what makes community gardens so wonderful is the sharing that is involved. We share our time and our skills not just with each other, but with anyone who walks through the gate. We share food, and information, and we share a space that allows others to do the same. This weekend is, to me, a prime example of why community gardens are just so valuable. So if there is one in your area, even if you can't get there often, or maybe even at all, see if there is some other way of supporting them. Donations of clean pots, excess seeds, even just sharing information about them so others can connect. All of it helps. All of it builds a community that can start caring for each other. It is well worth sharing :)

Take care, ox


  1. Enjoy the workshop with Naomi. We are having a permaculture workshop in June with a local presenter. Should be great.

  2. Haha make that ' enjoy the workshop with Morag,Naomi. My brain is on antibiotics :-)

  3. I know I will lol! Hope you are feeling better soon ox
